Radio Banana - Reportáž z utkání

Hvězda zápasu - Pepa Hlasuj!

Pepa Známka: 4.71

Hlasovalo: 8
Kritik: Alamar
Fans: Petr
celkové výsledky


  1. Pepa 4.71
  2. Kuba 4.57
  3. Syky 4.43
  4. Vojta 4.43
  5. Alamar 4.29

Statistika Zápasu:

Sestava: Fanda,Zelí,Vojta,Petr,Alamar,


Zápasy 9. kolaAktuální Tabulka
Dvorce SK MPI vs. Šachta UK 3:1
Borussia Bubeneč vs. Stará Dáma 4:4
Arabská vs. G.I.C La Plate de Cünde 4:5
Porter CF B vs. Hradní Stráž 11:4
President FC vs. Banana Chiquíta 2:5
Sebranka FC A vs. Deportivo Estudiantil FC 1:2
Hard match - Nice Victory

President FC - Banana Chiquíta 2 : 5 [ Kolo:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / ]


Barack ObamaIm a big fan of Banana Chiquita and I hate a rude presidents all the world. Therefore I sticked up for Chiquita in their last match. Banana took a big step to stay in the third division with an important win at President FC 5:2.
Chiquita took lead after an amazing combination. Pepa in the middle field thought up nice cross pass to the line and running Šindy found Vojta who scored from close-range. But then President took advantage of unusually slack Chiquita defending to score 2 goals at first half. Fortunetly Pepa fired goal after corner kick. Both teams improved to press after break and one stupid player from President threatened with an angry fouls. When well player Vojta injured at the beginning a second half I didnt see the match good. But all Chiquitas players continued with very unselfishly and brave game. A smashing finish had Chiquita. Syky set Zelí free and Zelí fired over a goalkeepers head. It was the most important goal. Chiquita kept playing their instinctive ofensive game and shooted an another two goals. After this punch President FC show nosign of uncovery.
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that Chiquita is a great team which can win a lot of hard matches, who still wonders if the dream of haunspaulka is alive in our time, who still questions the power of Banana offensive skills, this match was your answer!Barack Obama