Radio Banana - Reportáž z utkání

Hvězda zápasu - Syky Hlasuj!

Syky Známka: 3.8

Hlasovalo: 6
Kritik: Syky
Fans: Zelí
celkové výsledky


  1. Syky 3.8
  2. Petr 3.6
  3. Alamar 3.4
  4. Vata 3
  5. Zelí 3

Statistika Zápasu:

Sestava: Fanda,Zelí,Tomas,Andre,Petr,


Zápasy 1. kolaAktuální Tabulka
Banana Chiquíta vs. Démoni 1:2
Výtržník HFC vs. Noční dravci 3:3
Kapr tým 86 B vs. Sokol Vysočany C 2:9
Integrita Jinonice vs. Hustlaz Pimpz 3:6
Tycho de Brahe FC A vs. Mystique Dynamo CF 4:6
Inter Ohradní vs. Kumpáni 8:6
No fun in the first round

Banana Chiquíta - Démoni 1 : 2 [ Kolo: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / ]


Michal Bílek

First i have to congratulate Zeli, Mlky and Hynek on their weddings, which took place over summer break. All the best! I heard, that Zeli has a ring inscribed with the words -Forever Banana- and number of his goals. if this is right, I take my hat off. But to get back to football...

I thought, that the Chiquitas match would bring me back a joy from a football, which i had absolutely lost on tuesday. But it didn’t happened. Chiquita played as badly as our representation. Both  teams received the first goal from the same place. There was defender missing in the penalty area and maybe also the goalkeeper should have been more active. Fortunatelly Sindy  answered the first goal very quickly.  Chiquita was better from this moment, but their pressure lacked accuracy and big chances.
The big question in autumn will be how to maximaze the chances. Vata should have celebrated a comeback into the yellow jersey with a goal but face to face with the goalkeeper he was not successful. Sindy hit a goalpost in the second half, but he did not score. On the contrary the Demons shot the second goal few minutes later and assured a narrow victory.
On the radio I heard lof of critics of Andre, who was close to both received goals. Frankly my dear, Individual mistakes didn’t lost the match today.  The level of teamwork must go up.

Michal Bílek