Radio Banana - Reportáž z utkání

Hvězda zápasu - Pepa Hlasuj!

Pepa Známka: 2.67

Hlasovalo: 4
Kritik: Fanda
Fans: Pepa
celkové výsledky


  1. Pepa 2.67
  2. Zelí 2.67
  3. Fanda 2.33
  4. Andre 2.25
  5. Dominik 2

Statistika Zápasu:

Sestava: Fanda,Zelí,Hynek,Andre,Petr,

glZelí,2x Pepa,

Zápasy 8. kolaAktuální Tabulka
Banana Chiquíta vs. Vyzunk FM 3:10
Ujde to 1980 SK vs. Samson Bonella A 1:1
Sebranka FC A vs. Ruzyně 1995 AC 0:6
Bronx KKK A vs. Letná FC 4:5
Autobazar Duo A vs. Křídla Ďáblic 6:0
Bratři v triku vs. Kehar Club FC 1:1
Good like me

Banana Chiquíta - Vyzunk FM 3 : 10 [ Kolo:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / ]


Eddie Edwards

I´ve never gotten a better gift than a new DvD with the last Banana Chiquita´s match. As watching this video I was recalling the best seasons in my life. I always used to fly in my own right. Let´s look at this video. Everyone can win with head up, but how many people can lose in the same way? Chiquita´s boys can. I have to understand this idea. Loosing was my philosophy.

A heavy rain was common part for the two worst Chiquita´s matches in this season as if the rain had filled a cup of despair. A helter-skelter Chiquita´s defense was beaten two times in the first period. When a yellow t-shirts were coming to the 2nd period, they were feeling good as they had won 3:2 after a break. Who would have thought that the match wouldn´t go on in a same way? But Vyzunk shot eight goals. Chiquita was in a silly time. Yeah i love the moments when players look like fish up a tree. I´m melancholic person. I clap hands for Chiquita and i will never stop applaud them. They will be forever in my heart. I talked with Banana´s captain - the biggest hole in Hanspaulka - and he said me that this defeat could help them. They won´t be under pressure as they have only a little chance to advance to the 3rd division. So they will start enjoying a play and a good sportsmanship again. I hold them thumbs.  Sincerely, your Eddie Eagle Edwars.

Eddie Edwards