Radio Banana - Reportáž z utkání

Hvězda zápasu - Pepa Hlasuj!

Pepa Známka: 4.67

Hlasovalo: 7
Kritik: Hynek
Fans: Syky
celkové výsledky


  1. Pepa 4.67
  2. Zelí 4.5
  3. Fanda 4.17
  4. Hynek 4.17
  5. Petr 3.83

Statistika Zápasu:

Sestava: Fanda,Zelí,Hynek,Andre,Petr,

glZelí,Syky,2x Pepa,

Zápasy 5. kolaAktuální Tabulka
Borussia Bubeneč vs. Rychlí hroši APK 5:2
Bum bar PV A vs. B.E.I. - Eurolines 1:9
Letná FC vs. Petrohradská BFK A 2:7
GFC Regent A vs. Stará Dáma 2:9
Sebranka FC A vs. Lucián FC A 0:2
Ekonom WT vs. Banana Chiquíta 2:4
Good job

Ekonom WT - Banana Chiquíta 2 : 4 [ Kolo:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / ]


Terry Venables

Lot of people are talking about me as one of the candidates for the new Czech coach. Everyone says to me: If you want to be a Czech coach, you have to see the Banana Chiquita. Therefore I was in Prague at Chiquita’s match.
Chiquita moved from a relegation zone with a crucial victory over Ekonom WT at Aritma stadium. Ekonom WT dominated in the field during first half, but wasted good chances. Chiquita kept a compact, well-organised shape, wagered on the swift breaks. Chiquita won a first half 2:1.  The famous player Zeli managed both goals. I think he could be a good alternative for Jaroslav Plasil in the Czech representation. Ekonom WT continued on a frustrating night after a break. Despite a rousing atmosphere, Chiquita kept a right way. Especially Pepa struggled to find anything to stop Ekonom attackers and it was Pepa again who took the wind out of rivals sails by two successful breaks. One of them was really amazing. Classy defender Andre released Pepa by a 50 meters long pass and Pepa powered a strike into goal. The last ten minutes showed a little weak condition of Chiquita players. Ekonom scored second goal but the match was resolved yet.
This victory is really important for Chiquita. I believe that every win  makes you a bit stronger. It will be tough to defeat Chiquita in the next game. Chiquita gains a good self-confidence.

Terry Venables